Varieties Grown on Our Farm

The Following Seven Varieties are Grown in Sufficient Quantities to Sell to Our Wholesale Customers

For More Information on a Variety Click on the Photo


McIntosh: (1881) – strong sweet-tart taste with a nuance of spice. A favorite cooking apple.


Cortland: USA; raised 1898 by S. A. Beach, NYSAES, Geneva. Silver Wilder medal 1923. Very sweet, soft melting white flesh, vinous flavor; can be very good. Also grown in France. Recommended for freezing in US. Many use this variety for Sauce and Pies.


EverCrisp® (2008) – Sweet juicy and firm – a yummy apple that holds a powerful crunch – combining the best features of Honeycrisp and Fuji apples. This is a late variety and keeps really well. Excellent eating apple and some love to bake with it too.


Empire (1940-1949) – crisp and sweet. A cross between Red Delicious and McIntosh. Mixed with Gala, this makes a fantastic apple sauce. The Empire gives the sauce a gorgeous pink/red color.


Gala: (1934) - Rich, honeyed, and juicy. Queen Elizabeth II was so impressed by a box of Gala that she requested more.


Honey Crisp:® (1991) – a hard, crisp and predominately sweet eating apple.

Macoun: (1923) - Very sweet, scented, hint of strawberry flavor; snow white, juicy flesh; tough skin. Little known outside of the northeast but prized by those who do.

Below Varieties are Grown in Smaller Quantities and Will be Sold at Our Farm Stand When Available

Sweet Maia®: (2018) - A summer apple with fall qualities, harvesting before Gala and originating from a Honeycrisp x Winecrisp cross. With its candy-like sweetness and carmine-colored peel, Sweet Maia® branded apples are perfect for snacking

Summerset®: (2018) - Another Honeycrisp Fuji cross. It’s texture is much like Honeycrisp with a tangier flavor. Summerset® harvests with Gala or 1 week after. Firm, crisp texture and a beautiful red blush over a yellow base, excellent for eating fresh, cooking, and baking.

Ludacrisp®: (2019) - Developed from an open-pollinated cross of Honeycrisp. Sweet, tropical and fruity flavor. A late fall apple - harvest is slightly before Evercrisp


Baldwin: (1740) - Sweet, Crisp, Dark maroon color - white flesh - Widely grown in northern states in 19th century. Also popular for pies and cider. Mostly winter killed in 1930s on our farm and replaced with McIntosh at that time.


Calville Blanc (1598) – Cooked, keeps shape, pretty yellow slices and good strong taste. Mellows to intense, rich, sweet-sharp flavor; deep cream flesh. Held in high regard by French chefs and our own, Dana Clark’s favorite pie apple. Large apple with pronounced ribs that give it a prehistoric aura.


Fortune:® (1995) - Distinct Tart Flavor, Firm white flesh. Tends toward Large size. Spy/Empire cross. Good eating and baking apple.


Gingergold:® (1960) – Crisp crunch and mildly tart flavor with thin skin. Excellent eating apple.


Golden Delicious: (1890) – honeyed with crisp, juicy almost yellowish flesh. Not related to the Red Delicious. Good for eating and cooking.


Jonagold: (1943) – rich, honeyed and almost aromatic flavor. Crisp, juicy, nearly yellow flesh. Cross between Golden Delicious and Jonathan.


Kumeu Crimson:® (1990) – Sweet-tart taste with a long storage life. Related to the Braeburn.


PaulaRed: (1960) – Creamy white, firm flesh. Finely textured, crisp and juicy. Strong vinous or strawberry flavor.


Rosalee:® (2017) - HoneyCrisp - Fuji cross. Crisp texture and Sweet/Tart flavor with floral tones. Later season apple - Developed by the same organization that developed EverCrisp®


Red Delicious: (1870) – It’s creamy white flesh is slightly crisp and dense offering a mildly sweet flavor and slightly flora aroma. Great in salads or apple sauce.

Red Northern Spy: (1895) – Sport variety of Norther Spy a large apple with spicy, sweet-tart flavor; crisp, cream flesh.

Sport varieties result from mutant branches that share many characteristics of the parent tree but have some distinctive trait or feature.


Pink Lady®: Pink Lady is the trademarked name for the variety Cripps Pink which was developed in the 1970s by John Cripps in Western Australia, and is a cross between Golden Delicious and Lady Williams. The skin is a vivid green covered in a pinkish blush which becomes a deeper shade of red where the apple was exposed to more sun. The apples have a crunchy texture and a tart taste with a sweet finish. The white flesh is juicy and crisp.


Sheep’s Nose: (1800) – aka Black Gilliflower - Large, prominently ribbed, crowned, like a sheep’s nose. Cooks to pleasant, brisk, puree. We only have one Sheep’s Nose tree on the farm. It is tucked into the edge of the woods in our Nadeau block and only occasionally bears fruit so truly a hit or miss proposition


Spartan: (1936) – crunchy and sweet with a wine-like “vinous” flavor.


Spencer (1926) – a large, crisp juicy apple with a sweet-tart and mild honey flavor. Nearly solid red in color, it is good for both fresh eating and cooking. Spencer was discovered by R.C. Palmer in 1926, from McIntosh and Golden Delicious parents in Summerland, British Columbia. After 33 years of testing and development, it was finally released commercially in 1959. Harvested in mid-to late September, Spencer keeps well in cool, dry storage for just a few months after picking

Summer Treat: (1982) - The coarse, cream colored flesh is crisp, sweet, and good fresh from the tree when the fruits are ripe.

Tolman Sweet: (1700) – highly esteemed for baking, stewing and making cider, this is one of the best late sweet apples.


Vista Bella: (1956) – a very early season dessert apple. The flesh is light and juicy and has the slight flavor of a raspberry.