Our History
Founded in 1886 by Herbert & Bertha Clark, we are a 5th generation farm operating on approximately 300 acres in the region of Ashfield, Massachusetts known as Apple Valley. We grow apples and grapes on approximately 65 acres. The balance is grassland and forest. Today Aaron, Dana and Brian, Herbert’s great-grandsons, are still running the farm that he started over 130 years ago. In recent years Dana’s children Naomi and Silas, as well as Naomi’s husband Craig, have taken up the mantle and become the 5th generation of Clarks growing apples in Apple Valley.
We currently grow 25 varieties of apples from classics like Cortland and McIntosh to modern favorites such as HoneyCrisp, EverCrisp and Gala. In addition to apples we also grow 8 varieties of seedless table grapes. The unique microclimate, soil and ecology of Apple Valley produces some of the finest apples in the country. We have also been long time practitioners of Integrated Pest Management or IPM. IPM is a series of guidelines for pest control that focuses on limiting environmental impacts and protecting biodiversity. In the spirit of sustainability we also generate more than 80% of our power through solar energy.
When Aaron, Brian and Dana were growing up in Apple Valley, there were six active dairy/apple farms; today, only one remains - Clark Brothers Orchards.
Small family farms in the Northeast are becoming a rarity.
Front Row: Bertha and Herbert Clark - First Generation
Back Row: Winthrop Clark and wife Ruth, Katherine and husband Raymond Dudley - Second Generation
Photo taken around 1930
“It’s something about the soil and the micro climate here. It’s definitely a blessed area to grow apples. The quality of fruit, the eating quality is just super.”
Third Generation
Richard, Malcolm and Barbara Clark
Malcolm and Pauline Clark 1945 - Third Generation
Brian, Aaron and Dana Clark - Fourth Generation
Photo Courtesy: Kyle Johnson & Chris Duggan
Silas, Naomi, Aaron, Brian and Dana - Fourth and Fifth Generation. Photo Courtesy: Kyle Johnson & Chris Duggan
2014 Packing crew
Loxley, Philip, Clifford, Rocky, Lloyd, Linval, Dave, Craig, Naomi, Liliam and Chris.
2019 Packing Crew: Jason, Rocky, Fitzroy, Veche, Rashawn, Craig, Michael, Neil, Naomi and Oakly. Photo Credit: David Thompson
2019 Picking Crew: Clement, Curtis, Loxley, Linval, Basil, Conroy, Shaun, Stanley and Martin. Photo Credit: David Thompson
David Thompson - loyal employee for the last 40 years! Photo Credit: Kenneth Shapiro
Explore Our Farm
Picking Crew 2020 - Basil Beckford, Howard Martin, Loxley Whitter, Stanley Madden, Linval Williams, Curtis Whitter, Shaun Wright, Conroy Whitter and Clement Burt Photo Credit: David Thompson
Packing Crew 2020 - Back: Barrington Llewellyn, Linval Williams, Fitzroy Haughton, Veche Cunningham, Neil Stewart, Derrick Bryan
Front: Craig Clark, Naomi Clark, Curtis Whitter and Hubert Wright Photo Credit: David Thompson